from €50.00

I went to this place several times already but never was sure about how to capture it and which conditions will be the right ones. It’s a very steep small mountain/hill with many smaller oak trees and another equally sized hill next to it. After the sun disappears behind the other hill there is still enough light to get some decent shots of the trees as the background turns kind of blue/misty in the shadows but the trees still catch some light. It’s also quite challenging in physical terms as you have a steep gradient of about 30-40 degrees and you find yourself crawling on hands and feet like a spider between the trees.

This particular scene immediately caught my attention as there is so many different things to see which are typical for this place. You can see the orange leaves which are left from last autumn, but also new yellow leaves waiting to prosper in the next days and weeks. The image was taken in mid March a few days before spring begins.

The example print shown here is an A3 size.

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